- Electromagnetic Fusion System for Hazardous wastewater treatment
- Recent technologies in remediation of oily produced water
- Integrated techniques for ultra-treating wastewater
- Biological treatment of oily produced water
- Produced water utilization
- AI applications in industrial wastewater and data management
- Online detection & pollutant monitoring
- Biological Treatment Nitrification Balancing: Ammonias, Nitrites & Nitrates
- Aeration Oxidation Foaming: Causes and Controlling
- Sludge Digestion and Related Solids Management
- Process Control Analytics and Microbiological Monitoring for Treatment Plant Efficiency
- Scaling and Corrosion Occurrences in Treatment Plant Operations
- Basics of Maintaining Mechanical and Biological Step-Stage Treatment Plants
- Effluent Discharge Problems and Resolving Strategies
- Toxic Material Treatment Approaches
- Basics of Biological Treatment
- Basics of Mechanical Based Treatment
- Mass Balancing of Treatment Plant Processes thru Laboratory Data
- Membrane Filter Applications- Basics and Maintenance
- Advanced Wastewater Process Control
- Fats, Oils & Grease Treatment
- Domestic Sewage and Industrial Wastewater: Can They Be Treated Together?
- Principles of Solids and Sludge Management
- Recognizing and Resolving Treatment Plant Upsets
- Economy of scale, Circular economy
- Geothermal/water treatment
- Datacenter wastewater
abstracts submission guidelines
- Abstract should have clear title of the presentation.
- Abstract should be within 500 words with clear objective and conclusion of the presentation.
- Photo of the presenter and brief bio in 150 words and logo of the company.
- Author details including exact name, job title, email and contact details.
- Presentation for the conference will be selected from the abstract submitted to the conference committee.
- The early submission is particularly important to allow the committee members to review the abstract submitted.
- The presenters will be communicated accordingly upon receiving abstracts and approval from the committee.